As an initiative related to the Act on Improving Transparency and Fairness of Digital Platforms, which takes necessary measures to ensure transparency and fairness in transactions between digital platform operators and digital platform users, we have established a consultation service to provide consultation to businesses using digital platforms and support them in resolving their issues.
Online Seminar Announcement

Online SeminarThursday, March 28, 2024 1:30pm–3:30pm
- DPCD Seminar: “Commentary on the EU Digital Markets Act (DMA): Examining Japan's Digital Platform Regulations Amidst Confusion Surrounding Their Enforcement”
- Participation Fee: No Charge
The EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) has been enacted in Europe to oblige regulated businesses designated under the Act to comply with the Act in their designated platform business operations.
In Europe, various discussions have arisen regarding the designation of regulated businesses and services and the specific content of the regulations. It is important to understand the key points of these discussions when considering how to regulate platforms in Japan.
In this seminar, we will briefly explain the content of the DMA, introduce recent discussions on the implementation of the law, and explore the implications for digital platform regulation in Japan.
In addition, a speaker from South Korea's ONE store will present the platform's state of operations as the second largest app store in South Korea (20% market share).
Members of the Digital Platform Consultation Desk (DPCD) will introduce the details of the rules for developers and the latest overseas information on lawsuits and other issues that app providers should be aware of.
Note: ONE store is an app store established jointly by South Korean telecommunications providers and other entities in 2016. Currently accounting for 20% of the market share in South Korea, the platform is now expanding overseas.
What is the Digital platform consultation desk?
As one of the initiatives to ensure the effective implementation of the law on transparency in transactions, this is a contact point for businesses (businesses opening stores, developers, etc.) that use digital platforms to receive free consultation within the range that can be handled by us in Japan and advice from specialized consultants on issues related to transactions.
Digital Platform Consultation Desk for app developers(PDF) 
Main Support Services
- Provision of advice about how to ask questions and consult with digital platform providers (taking into account past cases)
- Provision of information from lawyers and financial assistance
- Identification of issues common to multiple consulters and discussion of solutions
- Support for promoting mutual understanding with digital platform providers
- Holding of briefing sessions and legal consultations for business using digital platforms
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry aims to improve the transaction environment by identifying common issues in transactions based on the experience of businesses heard through the consultation service and sharing them among the parties concerned.